Well finally after 11 weeks we have a time for leaving here, last week we had to cancel flights and ferry due to Linds injuring her back which caused so many more complications. On the bright side Josh has had an extra week of therapy.
Also another unexpected highlight was on Sunday morning we were told that some All blacks were visiting the Wilson Home http://www.wilsonhometrust.org.nz/ we had just over 1/2 hour to quickly make a flag and get to Villa 1. we had 3 all blacks Zac Guildford, Richard Kahui and Andy Ellis come visit and what lovely guys, they were all really interested in the kids. We all made it on Prime News that night. Also the French Rugby team visited the Wilson School a few weeks ago it was great to see them . Josh was down at the Gym doing his session when they visited here and got some great photos, and Josh and me made it into the Northshore Times.
Josh doing okay, it is going to take some time 2 years to rehabilitate from this op.
We all are looking forward to finally getting back to Nelson on Thursday cant believe it will nearly be 12 weeks since leaving in that awful snow in National Park. Now spring is here and looking forward to summer in Nelson, also may have a visit to Christchurch coming up to visit Rachel and family.
On the knitting front have made about 6 or 7 pairs of socks, I need some more stash, sure i can remedy that!!